The Delaware County Tuberculosis Association was organized in 1919 and was incorporated in 1922 for the purpose of identification, treatment and control of tuberculosis in this community. The Delaware County Tuberculosis Association is different from other health agencies due to the nature of the disease with which we work. It has always been, is now, and will continue to be the purpose of the Tuberculosis Association to assist in the finding of the infected, treating and following up on those afflicted with active disease, as well as educating the public about the problems involved. Care is rendered by the Tuberculosis Association with-out regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin economic status. Services are rendered to those afflicted with active disease at no cost and to those infected at minimal cost regardless of their ability or willingness to pay as a means to protect our community as a whole from tuberculosis.

Dennis Zawadski
Dennis Zawadaski, MD, is a retired Pulmonologist from Medical Consultants in Muncie, IN and presently Medical Director of the Sleep Lab and Pulmonary Rehab at Fayette Regional Health Systems. Dr Zawadaski has served on the Delaware County TB Board since 1993 and has been President of the Board since 2014.

Nancy Wagner
Nancy Wagner, RN has been a public health nurse at the Delaware County Health Department for ten years. Currently, she is the Communicable Disease and TB nurse. Nancy has been on the TB board for the past six years and presently serves as the Vice President.

Marla Suding
Marla Suding, RN, BSN, is a retired school nurse that has served on the Delaware County TB Board since 2008 and has been Secretary of the Board since 2010.

Trent Dowling
Trent Dowling has been in banking for the last 18 years specializing in commercial lending. Currently, Trent is Senior Vice President at Star Financial Bank. He has been a member of the Delaware County TB Association for sixteen years and has served as Treasurer of the Board since 2006.
Contact Information
Delaware County Health Department: 765-747-7721
Nancy Wagner, R.N. (Public Health Nurse of Delaware County): 765-587-0672